Please note that if registering as an individual and an organisation, you will need to use different email addresses. Amends to a record can only be made using the email address that was used to register. If you need to make amendments to an organisation and did not initially set up the account please contact CIPR to amend the records for you.

Registration of an Organisation

Agency: If you are employed by an agency (those hired to provide public affairs support to clients) please use THAT AGENCY’S name as the organisation name.
Freelance – Trading as a company: If trading as a freelancer under a registered business name, please use that name as the organisation name.
Freelance – Trading in your own name: If trading as a freelancer in your own name please use your name as the organisation name.
In-house: If you are employed in-house (an organisation that is not hired by clients) please use THAT ORGANISATION’s name as the organisation name.

Please note that only the registered user who initially setup an organisation can amend that organisation’s records. If you need to make amendments to an organisation and did not initially set up the account please contact CIPR to amend the records for you
Please ensure all employees engaged in lobbying activity are registered on the UKLR if the organisations is subscribing to the CIPR Code of Conduct.
Please separate names with a comma